Social Media Agency
Engage, Grow, Convert, Repeat
At Anchor, we have conducted years of analysis and experimentation in what it takes for a social media company to grow a strong social media following and deliver results for it’s customers. We understand the tools to use, how and when to use them as well as the value that they can bring to bear regarding SEO, PR and ROI.
The most important metric in social media is engagement, which means; what percentage of your fans are LIKING, Commenting, Sharing or Tweeting your content. It is a giant popularity contest where everyone involved is trying to win. But as you may remember from school, the cool kids always seemed to have it easier when it came to popularity. Our Social Signals program is comprehensive and designed to make your company the “cool kid” in a class full of boring competitors.
How Do Social Signals work?
Simple. We first work with you and your staff through one on one interviews and fun workshops to identify your companies “VOICE”.
Once the voice is identified, we agree upon a relevant THEME for the content that you will post and share.
OK, now that we have a VOICE and a THEME, the fun begins. We conduct a ton of first person online research to CURATE copious amounts of FUNNY, HELPFUL and INFORMATIVE content that is relevant to your THEME and acceptable to your VOICE.
We then create a social media publication calendar and manage that calendar about 30 days out. We take engagement measurements as we go to make sure the goals of the project are being achieved.
Remember, companies are now publishers. Entertain your fans with great content. It will make them love you and recommend you more. Let Anchor show you how our formula grows and monetizes social media for companies in almost every business category.